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315 E. Mongomery St.
Durand, Wi.

Please Join us for Worship and Study.
Worship Service at 8.30AM Sunday.
Study at 8,30AM lon Wednesday.
We have handycap access to all floors.

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The Reformation was, first and foremost, all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was then, and it still is now.

The task of reformation never ends, for every person, in every generation, needs to hear the good news of their Savior from sin and eternal death.

Placeholder Image Martin Luther

Luther cared deeply for the spiritual well-being of the people who filled small churches every week. That’s right—he faced persecution, excommunication, and death threats all for the sake of someone like you. Someone who needed to hear the pure Gospel message of Jesus’ grace for sinners.

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420 1St, St
Plum City, WI.

Please Join us for Worship.
Worship Service is at 10.30AM on Sunday.

Copywrite 2017 Stephen Fisher